Featuring Dasha : Diversifying her use of value and mediums this year.

"The two years I have been with Mrs. Mercy I think I have grown so much..."
Dasha is a funny and engaging student to teach, she is always full of passion and compassion! When she started out she was frozen often with perfection and frustrated with not knowing which next steps to take when completing her artwork. Seeking perfection can often be a creativity killer, so Dasha has learned to step back and re-evaluate her end goal for each piece she is working on. The first half of our tutoring year we spent focusing on the print making process. Dasha is very drawn to high contrast and simple compositions so print making was a great way to explore the creative process.
"...She's taught me value scales, different art styles that I like, My art style that I like, print, and more."

After we explored how creating quality artwork begins first with a quality idea and then quality preparation, we moved back to working with other mediums in the spring.
Dasha has really loosened up her ideas on ideal and really pushed open the box for what she looks to accomplish now!

"I enjoy learning and I am especially grateful to be learning more about expressing myself in art!"
I am incredibly proud of Dasha and the way she has set aside perfect for genuine. I know she will be successful in whatever she puts her big heart to!
