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Each student must submit a registration form and sign the below Behavioral expectations policy with a parent. 

Behavioral Expectations

Discipline Policy: Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Dutch Fork Homeschool Resource Center Behavioral Expectations. (see link below for detail. Minor offenses will be given two warnings. A third offense will be cause for dismissal from DFHRC and no fees and/or tuition will be returned.

Major offenses will be subject to immediate expulsion from DFHRC and no fees and/or tuition will be returned. Instructors will notify parents of any behavorial concerns in order for these to be addressed at home as well.

Please sign your names below either by printing this page off or electronially signing below. Stating that you and your student(s) have read and discussed our Behavioral Expectations and that your student(s) intends to abide by them.

Has your student ever been asked to leave and/or been removed from either a public or private educational setting? (Please select one)

If Yes, please explain the situation by contacting one of our Administrators to discus this matter privately. We reserve the right to deny our tutoring services to those who may be a disruption to our campus.

Contact info for our administrators:


Mercy Clonts -

Rebekah Anderson -

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